7/7 Memorial Desecration: Muslim & Far-Left's 'Bash Evil-Jewry's State' Rally at Federal Bldg., L.A.

7/7 Anniversary in L.A.: Demonstration of Arrogance
What better an opportunity to denounce the fear and terror wrought in the name of their faith against innocent civilian victims in the West (Britain)- than with a renewed public offensive against democracy (America & Israel) on the property of the government supporting their seditious expression?

American Islamists here exploit 7/7 (like their British counterparts exploit 9/11) as a celebration of their battle victory in their crusade to win-over democratic societies towards authoritarian Islamism. Their rallying cry? 'Stop Zionazi Jewry from occupying Palestine.' Except that (1) there is no 'Palestine' nationality' and (2) since a year prior, Israel has withdrawn its defenses from Gaza (half of what they allege as Palestine). Their implication, of course, is to persuade the world to overthrow the multicultural Israel to establish an authoritarian, Islamist Palestine.

Watch the 2-part video. Press 'More' after the ad to watch Part 2.

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